My Doctor said I shouldn’t run…

She was told that she should “Never run again.”

Yup... an IG follower recently told me that her Physical Therapist told her that she should probably just stop running. Here's the kicker - he said that she "DIDN'T HAVE THE BODY FOR IT"

I'm sorry, but what?! You may be assuming that I am most outraged by the body shaming. While that is annoying, it's not what got me the MOST fired up.

Essentially, this PT told this woman that her body isn't capable of doing one of the most inherent human activities. Yea. Simply because of her height, or leg length or some other dumb reason this PT came up with.

Think about the psychological and/or emotional cost of being told something like that. If you're an unlucky human who HAS been told something like this, then you understand what kind of damage this can do to someone's confidence.

Not only does this girl think she's "not designed" to run, but is also now probably questioning her ability to do other things.

We all create enough fear/doubt on our own... we don't need someone else doing it for us. Especially, when that person is supposed to be helping BUILD US UP!

Okay... rant over. What's the point here?

I just want to speak directly to ANYONE who's ever been told they shouldn't/can't do a certain exercise or activity.

They're wrong.

That person who told you that was either 1) unwilling or 2) unprepared to help you so they project their own limitations on to you.

And that's unfair.

Here's what to do when someone tells you that you can't/shouldn't...

Ask them why?

They should be able to give you a sound reason/explanation that base on more then just personal opinion. I'm not saying they need to be able to cite 15 peer-reviewed studies, but maybe they can point you in the direction of a few articles to read, videos to watch or trusted podcasts to listen to, that support their recommendations.

Politely Disagree

If you don't agree with the recommendation and reasoning, then tell them. Calmly and politely explain why you don't disagree. This may actually spur a more productive conversation, where they offer other options. Yay for communication!

Second Opinions

This one is widely underrated. If you don't like the recommendations, then consider seeking advice/opinions from another professional. I do not mean that you should simply just go from one professional to the next until you get the advice that you want to hear. No no no. The second opinion can either 1) Validate the advice/opinion from the first person, OR 2) show you some other potential options.

Hope this helps someone somewhere realize that they have the ability to QUESTION and CHALLENGE what we’re told by our health care practitioners. You don’t have to take everything they say has scripture. It’s your body - your health.

Here’s to a future you. A better you.



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