General Neck Pain? Here’s the plan…

What would I have someone do to both address and train around neck pain?


It is important that I preface by saying that this is a very generalized approach, and should not be considered medical advice. If you are dealing with neck pain, you should reach out to me directly so that I can offer proper recommendations (OR consult your physician).

Calm Down. Remind yourself that your body is strong & resilient. It may even help to say it out loud a few times: "My body is strong. I will be okay."

Breathe. Slow/intentional breathing is a great way to calm the body down.

Lay down, set a timer for 2 minutes and just breathe. Slow, mildly deep intentional breathes.

Mobilize. Using some gentle soft tissue mobilization can also help to calm down the area, and make things feel just a bit better. This will create an "window of opportunity" for you to address the issue via movement. Give these a try.

- 60 seconds - Foam Roll Thoracic Spine

- 60 seconds - Foam Roll (or Lax Ball) Pecs

- 10-15 Thoracic Extension on Foam Roller

- 10-15/side, Sidelying Thoracic Rotations

Activate. Now, let's get some of the core, spine and shoulder musculature activated. This will help to further relax those tense/spasmed muscles and free up their movement.

3-5 Rounds of the Following

2-3 Rounds of the Following

Integrate. At this point, based on how much relief has occurred, we will want to get moving. The goal here is to re-integrate that quality muscle activation and coordination into a few movement patterns. What you decide to do depends on how much relief is felt.

  • Minimal Relief - Consider going for a 10 to 30 minute walk.

  • Moderate Relief - Consider doing additional core/upper body isometrics, or hitting some lower body strengthening in tolerable positions.

  • Lots of Relief - Consider continuing with scheduled worked, but decreasing intensity by reducing weight, reps, increasing rest times or modifying movements.

Dominate. Continue to stay moving by finding what feels good and dominating it. Plan on taking a slow progressive return back to 100%. Stay the course for long enough and you'll be back to dominating your "normal" workouts, recreation and life activities in no time.

This is just a hint of what I would have someone do to address and work around neck pain. The INTEGRATE portion is where much of the programming and coaching is done. Making adjustments, slow progressions and lots of coaching/feedback to get back to DOMINATING without limitation.


Want to know more about how to address your specific situation?

Contact Me!


Disclaimer: The information is for educational & informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions, nor is it to replace a proper assessment for a qualified professional. If you are in pain, please consult with your medical professionals.


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