Thank you so much for reaching out about the Beyond Pain Program
I’d love for you to join us. All of the details are below (I don’t have a fancy landing page or anything… I hope you don’t mind)
I’ve worked with thousands of weekend warriors, outdoor athletes, and movement professionals alike over the past 10 years to help them rebuild their bodies, mindsets, and lifestyles and get back to a place where they can move, train and live without hesitation or fear of pain.
I’d like to work with a few more folks to help them to do the same.
We’re going to work closely together for 12 weeks to eliminate pain so you can feel confident in your body to both train hard, play harder and take on whatever life throws at you (without giving up your training or spending countless hours doing boring rehab exercises).
Here are a few things you’ll end up with:
Essential Objectives Checklist™: Let’s get clear on goals and objectives so you know exactly what you need to accomplish and when in order to finally move beyond your pain.
Fortitude and Freedom Program™: fully-loaded workouts using proven pain-free training methods that will allow you to train hard, heavy, and fast WITHOUT pissing off those painful areas.
Pain-Free Progression Strategy™: how to create continuous strength gains without spiking pain levels or causing new issues.
Superhuman Protocol™: a wildly effective phasic approach to physical preparation that will leave you feeling fired up and freed up, so you can attack each training session at full force.
Rapid Response OS™: develop a clear understanding of how to quickly abolish flare-ups so that you don’t have to put your life on hold because you can’t get out of bed.
Behavior OS™: understand how to elevate your daily habits, nutrition, sleep, and schedule so you can recover better, train harder, and live fuller.
Here’s how it works:
We will work together to Move Beyond Pain so you can get back to taking care of your family, saying yes to any adventure, and training hard at 3 least days per week (without waking up every morning in pain).
Phase 1 - The Reset™: Most athletes ignore their pain or hope that “resting more” will do the trick. You’re stuck in the pain cycle, and a hard reset will help you move in the right direction. In phase 1, we will start by showing you how to take control of your flare-ups by dialing in your daily habits & lifestyle and teaching you simple recovery tactics that you can implement right away. With this method, you’ll wake up in the morning feeling ready to attack the day instead of being all-consumed by your pain.
Phase 2 - The Resolution™: No more haphazardly trying random exercises that you find on Instagram. We will identify the biggest limiting factors that are holding you back right now so that you can attack your weaknesses and resolve this issue once and for all (without spending hours doing rehab exercises or giving up working out). With this resolution installed, you won’t have to worry about these recurring flare-ups - you’ll have them taken care of.
Phase 3 - The Rebuild™: It’s scary to go back to exercises and activities that used to hurt. I’ll show you how to fine-tune each movement pattern so you can train hard without causing a flare-up. I will rebuild every aspect of your fitness AND reintegrate those strengths into everyday life so you can live life truly limitless and attack it every single day the way that you want to.
Here’s how you and I will work to make this happen:
The System: Delivered bi-weekly, over 12 weeks via 60-90 minute pre-recorded trainings. You can watch these trainings any time, day or night.
The Program: 3-5 days/week of training, using pain-free training methods to effectively and efficiently combine corrective exercise, strength, stability, mobility, and aerobic conditioning when appropriate.
The Support: Every other week, you and I will meet in a small group call to work through proven techniques and tools inside the Beyond Pain Method™. We’ll save time each call to audit your progress and work through any problem areas. You will get my full, 100% attention to work on whatever is needed.
You can also post a question at any time throughout the week in our Ask Me Anything section. I will do my best to answer your questions and help put out those “mini-fires” as they pop up.
The Resources: Not only will you and I work together to rebuild your body and mindset so you can enjoy training, attack life, and wake up every morning not worrying about flare-ups, but you’ll also get access to dozens of videos, templates, cheat sheets, protocols and examples that you can use right out of the box. I’m not only going to teach you how to fish… I’m going to give you the fish (best of both worlds).
And I’m placing you inside the Beyond Pain Community with me and a bunch of ambitious athletes for daily messaging, support, and camaraderie.
For this special Founding Members group, you’ll also get a special bonus:
BONUS: 1:1 Movement Screen and Lifestyle Assessment
If you’re looking to accelerate your results plus lock in a huge savings, I have a One Time Offer.
Opt-in to this bonus and you’ll get a private 60-minute Zoom call with me and we’ll go through a 10-point movement screen and lifestyle assessment that will accelerate your progress during these 12 weeks. You’ll leave with a custom plan to hit your goals in the simplest way that I know. You’ll save over $750 if you opt-in for this call when you join the community vs. purchasing a 1:1 call later. (more on pricing below).
Now, I’m sure you have a couple of questions. Let me answer a few you might have below:
How Does the Beyond Pain Program Work?
You’re getting the best of both worlds here.
For starters, I am giving you a totally done-for-you training program (Fortitude and Freedom Program) that has been battle-tested and science-backed and is going to help you get out of pain.
While you’re working through the program, I will also be drip-feeding you 6 Core Modules, released every other week, so that you can learn and understand how to manage and get out of this pain long term.
On top of that, every other week, we’ll get together as a group via Zoom to answer questions and brainstorm specific strategies, goals, and ideas to help you get out of pain.
With those three approaches, I not just giving you the fish, but I am also teaching you to fish. That way you can stay out of pain forever and live your most abundant life!
In addition, you’ll get access to our private VIP member group, where you can ask questions, connect, and get immediate feedback from me and other badass athletes.
How do I get support?
You get unlimited support from me in the VIP member group as well as during our bi-weekly office hour calls.
Is there a guarantee?
I’m heavily involved and invested in the rehab/strength and conditioning community. I mean I travel 2-3x/month all over the country, teaching personal trainers and clinicians how to help clients train hard without pain. If I don’t deliver the results I promised, my reputation would be ruined. I’d lose all credibility.
Having said that here is the guarantee:
Go through the learning modules, attend the workshops, complete the training program, and connect with other athletes in the VIP member group for 30 days, if you don’t LOVE it, I want you to ask me for a refund. All you have to do is show me you did the work and implement what I taught, and I’ll refund every penny.
But please know that this guarantee goes both ways. If I feel you are not a good fit for the group, I can also pull the plug in the first 30 days.
What’s all this gonna cost me?
I’ll charge $1500 in the near future for this program, but since you are a Founding Member, your investment is $100 on week 1, and then $100/week for the remaining 11 weeks of the program (saves you $300).
If you’d like to accelerate your results, get more 1-on-1 attention from me, and lock in $750 in savings, I have a one-time offer for you.
Upgrade to the pay-in-full option of just $997, and you’ll get the bonus 1:1 Movement Screen and Lifestyle Assessment to map out the exact steps for you to get out of pain with a totally individualized movement protocol (saves you $750).
Consider - what is it costing you to continue doing what you're doing? What else will you have to give up in the next 3, 6, 12 months? How much more pain can you “just deal with?”
OK so how do I get a spot?
Don’t send me any money right now. If you’ve read the above and meet the requirements, reply back, “I’m in.”
And I’ll get you all set up.
To make sure I have enough time to work with everyone, I’ve limited applications to 10 folks. This allows me to spend enough time with each member to help them get results.
As soon as those 10 spots are filled, I’m shutting off the neon OPEN light and closing the doors.
Much love,