5 Exercises for Strong and Healthy Shoulders

This is a quick list of exercises that I find particularly helpful in *maintaining* healthy shoulders - not necessarily for addressing painful shoulders.

If you are currently dealing with shoulder pain that is limiting your training and/or life, we can REALLY figure out what you need with a movement assessment. Then you'll have a bullet-point list of limitations, that we can attack with exercises specifically chosen for you.

Painful Shoulders? -> click THIS LINK

Just want to *keep* them shoulders healthy and pain free? Try the exercises below 👇🏼

Reverse Plank

- Standard [LINK]

- Elevated on Elbows [LINK]

Want to be humbled? Try to hold this position for 2 minutes. This is a test we use to assess scapular (shoulder blade) strength, core strength and shoulder mobility. This exercise is considered to be a pre-requisite (stepping stone) for quality pull-ups because of the focus on the shoulder retraction (pinching together).

Try for 2 Minutes! If you cannot, then break it up into manageable sets (ex: 6 sets, 20 seconds).

Cable or Band Face Pull [LINK]

Great for offsetting all of that rounded posture and "forward-dominated" movements we do in and out of the gym. This one might feel weight at first, but if keep the weight light and the reps high to help your brain/body learn how to move properly.

Start light - 2-3 sets of 15 reps, superset with push/press exercises

Shoulder External Rotation

- Cable or Band [LINK]

- Elbow on Knee w/DB [LINK]

So much love for this one. Target part the rotator cuff, which is a key muscle group when it comes to shoulder stability. You may have seen this done with a DB, but the cable ensures that there is tension/resistance throughout the ENTIRE range of motion.

Start light - 2-3 sets of 15 reps before or after upper body work

Single Arm Landmine Press [LINK]

First off, if you don't get some single arm pressing in your training, then you're missing out! An effective way to tease out strength differences from one side to the other. This landmine press is particularly attractive to me, because of the angle. It allows you to really push that shoulder blade forward and strength them shoulder blade muscles. Additionally, you finish the press slightly out in front, which can help keep pressing pain free while you calm down that shoulder.

Start light - 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. 3 seconds down, fast up, 1 second hold at the top

Pull-up Hang

- Passive Hang [LINK]

- Active Hang [LINK]

- Feet-Assisted Hang [LINK]

Yea, yea, yeaaaa... you're thinking "really? hanging?" Yeeuup! Not many better tests of overall shoulder stability and grip strength than good ole' hanging. This is also another test we use with new clients - can you hang for 2 minute straight? Add some variation by changing your grip, lifting your legs, adding weight or hanging in a half-pull-up position.

Try for 2 Minutes! If you cannot, then break it up into manageable sets (ex: 6 sets, 20 seconds).

P.S. -

I recognize that while having a list of exercise recommendations is great, you may still be feeling overwhelmed or unsure as to when and how these exercises fit into your week of training. Likewise, you may be unsure IF these are even the "right ones" for you...

If that's the case, we should find 15-20 minutes to chat about it, and give you a better grip on things.

Schedule a time to chat HERE.


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